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    State Administration of Foreign Exchange
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    2017 Foreign Exchange Administration Work Conference Held in Beijing
2017 Foreign Exchange Administration Work Conference Held in Beijing

The national foreign exchange administration work conference has been recently held in Beijing. By following the spirit of 18th CPC National Congress, the Third, Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Plenums of the 18th CPC Central Committee, and the Central Economic Work Conference, the conference reviewed foreign exchange administration in 2016, deeply analyzed the current state of the economy, finance and balance of payments, and discussed and made plans for foreign exchange administration for 2017. Pan Gongsheng, administrator and secretary of the Party Leadership Group of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange (SAFE), delivered a work report at the conference, with deputy administrators, and heads of the SAFE branches (including foreign exchange administration departments), and departments of the SAFE present.

The meeting pointed out that, by following the work plans of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, and the guidance of the CPC Committee of the People's Bank of China, foreign exchange authorities stuck to problem orientation and bottom-line thinking, coordinated the relationship between promoting trade and investment facilitation and guarding against cross-border capital flow risks, and deepened the reform of "delegation, centralization and services" in 2016. To be specific, foreign exchange authorities rolled out nationwide the macro-prudential management policy for full-scale cross-border financing, further liberalized interbank bond markets, and carried out the QFII foreign exchange administration reforms. Under the existing policy framework, foreign exchange authorities strengthened management and execution, worked with other departments for joint regulation, intensified authenticity and compliance reviews, and cracked down on foreign exchange irregularities, in a bid to safeguard the stability of foreign exchange markets. Foreign exchange authorities also enhanced operation and management of foreign exchange reserves, and improved diversified utilization of foreign exchange reserves to safeguard the equilibrium of balance of payments and the national economic and financial security.

The meeting emphasized that the year 2017 is key to the implementation of the 13th Five-year Plan and to the deepening of the supply-side structural reform. In the year, foreign exchange authorities are required to implement the spirit of the Central Economic Work Conference and the work plans of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, adhere to the general work guideline of making progress while maintaining stability and follow the guidance of the CPC Committee of the People's Bank of China to take bold steps to effectively enhance trade and investment facilitation, serve the development of the real economy, intensify authenticity and compliance reviews, and crack down on foreign exchange irregularities, and guard against risks arising from cross-border capital flows, so as to embrace the 19th CPC National Congress with excellent performance.

The meeting made plans for the priorities of foreign exchange administration for 2017: first, continue to press ahead with administration streamlining and power delegation and reform in key areas, and further boost trade and investment facilitation to support the development of the real economy. Second, enhance authenticity and compliance reviews, intensify inspections and punishment with regard to foreign exchange irregularities, and maintain a tough stance on crimes such as underground banks and evasion and cheated purchases of foreign exchange, in a bid to safeguard the health and stability of foreign exchange markets. Third, strengthen ongoing and ex-post management, enhance the level of offsite monitoring, analysis and early warning in relation to cross-border capital flows, and refine the management framework for macro-prudential cross-border capital flows. Fourth, improve the operation and management of foreign exchange reserves, to safeguard the security, flows, value growth and maintenance of foreign exchange reserves. Fifth, implement the requirements for strengthening the Party's self-discipline, and continue to step up efforts to build the CPC, clean up undesirable work styles and uphold integrity, and enhance teambuilding and internal management.

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State Administration of Foreign Exchange