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    "Foreign Exchange Receipts and Payments during the First Three Quarters of 2014" Press Conference Transcript
"Foreign Exchange Receipts and Payments during the First Three Quarters of 2014" Press Conference Transcript

·         Hu Kaihong:

Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to the press conference of the State Council Information Office. We are very pleased to have with us today Mr. Guan Tao, director from the Balance of Payments Department of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange(SAFE). He will first unveil the foreign exchange receipts and payments data for the first three quarters of 2014 and then will take your questions. Now let us welcome our old friend Mr. Guan to give the opening remarks.

October 23, 2014, 09:43:08am

·         Guan Tao:

Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to today's conference. I am delighted to meet you again.This is the fourth time I have seen you this year.Today I am going to unveil the foreign exchange receipts and payments data for the first three quartersof this year and take your questions on behalf of the SAFE.

In the first three quarters of this year, the global economy recovered slowly, but was imbalanced among countries, with different monetary policies in the major economies. Meanwhile, the domestic economy remained stable under the new normal, the marketization of the RMBexchange-rateformation achieved new progress and the foreign exchange administration reformsproceeded steadily. Overall, during this period China's cross-border capital flows were basically balanced amid oscillations.

Banks settled foreign exchange totaling RMB 8.77 trillion (USD 1.43 trillion) and sold foreignexchange totaling RMB 7.71 trillion (USD 1.25trillion) in the first three quarters, with a surplus of RMB 1.05 trillion (USD 172.3 billion). Meanwhile, banks registered cumulative foreign-related income of RMB 15.10 trillion (USD 2.46 trillion) and made external payments of RMB 14.70 trillion (USD 2.39 trillion) on behalf of theirclients, with a surplus of RMB 405.5 billion (USD 66.2 billion).

October 23, 2014, 10:00:15am

·         Guan Tao:

China's foreign exchange receipts and payments are currently characterized by the following:

First, China is witnessing net inflows of cross-border capital.Excluding the impact from foreign exchange rates (the same below), in the first three quarters the foreign exchange settled by banks was up 4 percent year on year and that sold by banks was up 4 percent year on year, representing an increase in the surplus of 3 percent. Meanwhile, the foreign-related income received via banks was up 14 percent year on year, and external payments made through banks were up 19 percent year on year, representing a decrease in the surplus of 52 percent.

Second, the motivation of market players to settle foreign exchange was weakened while their willingness to buy foreign exchange was strengthened.Foreign exchange settled via banks as a percentage of total foreign-related foreign exchange income (or the foreign exchange settlement rate), which measures the willingness of companies and individuals to settle foreign exchange, was on thedecline, down from 77 percent in the first quarter to 68 percent in thesecond quarter and then 69 percent in the third quarter; foreign exchange sold via banks as a percentage of total foreign-related foreign exchange payments(or the foreign exchange selling rate), which measures the motivation to buy foreign exchange, was on the rise, up from 61 percent in the first quarter to 69 percent in thesecond quarter and 70 percent in the third quarter.

Third, the supply and demand of foreign exchange has beenbasically balanced amid oscillations. The surplus in foreign exchange settled and sold by banks stood at USD 159.2 billion in the first quarter, decreasing to USD 29 billion in the second quarter, and becoming a deficit of USD 16 billion in the third quarter. The surplus in foreign-related receipts and payments via banks amounted to USD 45.5 billion in the first quarter, decreasing to USD 40.7 billion in thesecond quarterand becoming a deficit of USD 20 billion in the third quarter.

Fourth, forward settlements and sales of foreign exchange by banks have changed from a significantsurplus to being basically balanced.Forward contracts for foreign exchange settlements and sales registered consecutive surpluses during the first five months of the year, but the monthly average surplus dropped from USD 24 billion in the first two months to USD 1.7 billion from March to May. Then, between June and September, the surpluses and deficits in the forward settlements and sales offoreign exchange alternated in a moderate absolute size, with a monthly average deficit of USD 600 million.

October 23, 2014,10:00:39am

·         Guan Tao:

Fifth, the foreign exchange market is voluntarily becomingbalanced. Excluding the performance of the forward contracts for foreign exchange settlements and sales, the undue net forwardforeign exchange settled increased by a cumulative USD 15.2 billion in January and February, and then underwent a correction during the seven months from March to September, dropping USD 50.6 billion on an cumulative basis, thus spurring banks to increase their foreign exchange position. The balance of spot and forward foreign exchange settled and sold by banks (or the balance of foreign exchange settled and sold by banks and the balance of the combined undue net forward settled foreign exchange), an indicator of the supply and demand for foreign exchange in the retail market, amounted to a surplus of USD164.9 billion in the first quarter, which dropped to USD 2.5 billion in the second quarter and then became a deficit of USD 30.5 billion in thethird quarter.

These are the major statistics I want to disclose regarding the foreign exchange receipts and payments during the first three quarters of this year. You can also find the relevant data released on the SAFE's official Website.

Now I would like to take any questions you might have.

October 23, 2014, 10:00:52am

·         Hu Kaihong:

Thank you, Mr. Guan. Now please raise your questions and remember to tell us where you are from before asking your questions.

October 23, 2014,10:03:05am

·         Reporter from CCTV:

China's foreign exchange reserves stood at USD 3.89 trillion at the end of the third quarter of this year, a decrease of nearly USD 100 billion from the end of the second quarter. Could you tell us the main reasons behind this significantdecrease? How should we regard this decrease? Thank you.

October 23, 2014,10:03:33am

·         Guan Tao:

Thank you for your questions. We also have noted thatthebalance of foreign exchange reserves as of the end of September, which was just released by the People's Bank of China, was about USD 100 billion less than that at the end of June. In our opinion, the main reason behind the decline was the change in the exchange-rate conversion due to the rise in the USD exchange rate in the international market. The US dollar index (USDX) picked up 7.7 percent in the third quarter. Of China's foreign exchange reserves, there are the US dollar-denominated assets and assets not denominated in the US dollarsthat have to be converted into US dollars before being announced, and anappreciation of the US dollar would lead to a decrease in the amount of those assets not denominated in US dollars when they are converted into US dollars. However, the change in thebalance due to such conversions is just a change in the valuation of the book value, not the actual loss, and it does not result in actual cross-border capital flows. Therefore, the change in the valuation of the book value is different from actual losses or profits. The fluctuations in the exchange rates of the major currencies in the international market will likely lead to changes in the balance of China's foreign exchange reserves, but the impact will be limited since China's foreign exchange reservesare nearing USD 4 trillion. It is commonplace that the exchange rates of the major currencies have ups and downs, and we do not need to overanalyze that.

October 23, 2014,10:20:10am

·         Guan Tao:

Regarding your second question, I'd like to make three points: First, the government has made it clear that it is not that the moreforeign exchange reserves, the better. The slowdown in the foreign exchange reserve growth during the first three quarters due to the fluctuations in the exchange rates in the international market also reflects that China's BOPis basically becomingmore balanced. The report on the work of the government unveiled at the beginning of this year states that one of our major tasks this year is to basically balance the BOP and we are now striving to achieve this goal.

Second, new measures have been introduced in the reform of the RMB exchange-rate formation mechanism this year, expanding the bidirectional floating range of the RMB exchange rate, while the People's Bank of China has started to end normal interventions in the foreign exchange market. Under these circumstances, the self-balancing of the market and the slowdownin the growth of foreign exchange reserveswill become a new normal, which is in line with the goals of the reform.Third, China nowhas enormous foreign exchange reserves, which will enable it to experience a correction in its foreign exchange reserves sometime in the future due to the bidirectional fluctuations in cross-border capital flows. China can use this strong base to ward off external shocks.

This is what I think about the decrease in foreign exchange reserves, and I want to stress that we need to look at the fluctuations in foreign exchange reservescalmly and rationally.

October 23, 2014,10:27:16am

·         Reporter from the People's Daily:

WhileChina's trade surplus has set new records and the RMB exchange rate has increased, the surplus between foreign exchangesettled and sold by banks has remained low since the beginning of the third quarter and even turned into a deficitduring some months. How do you look at this? Does this mean that China is at risk of capital flight? What are your ideasaboutfuture movements of the foreign exchange reserves? Thank you.

October 23, 2014,10:43:16am

·         Guan Tao:

Thank you for your questions. We have noted this as well. While the RMB exchange rate increased and the trade surplus was large, the foreign exchange market registered a slight shortfall in thethird quarter. Such a change in the supply and demand of foreign exchange is another result of the reform of the RMB exchange-rate formation mechanism that started in March. Since the bidirectional floating range of the RMB exchange rate against the US dollar was expanded in mid-February, or more accurately, on March 17, the unilateral movements of the RMB exchange rate have ended and there have been bidirectional fluctuations, with both ups and downs, which have somehow guided the market, making market players adjust their foreign exchange transaction strategies. The willingness of market players to buy foreign exchange has been strengthened and their motivation to settle foreign exchange has been weakened.

Despite increases in the RMB exchange rate over the past several months, companies have been deeply impressed by the preliminary bidirectional fluctuations of the RMB exchange rate amidthe complex economic and financial environments in China and in the international markets, so they have continued the financial adjustments of increasing foreign exchange deposits and reducing foreign exchange loans and external liabilities. We have some data to explain this.

October 23, 2014,10:44:59am

·         Guan Tao:

First, foreign exchange settled by banks in the third quarter was up by 3 percent against the second quarter, while foreign exchange sold by banks was up by 14 percent. According to indicators that measure a company’s motivation to buy foreign exchange, the percentage of foreign exchange bought by companies to make payments reached 70 percent in the third quarter, up by 5 percentage points against the first half of the year, while the percentage of foreign exchange settled by companies as foreign exchange income was 69 percent, down by 3 percentage points from the first halfof the year.

Second, companies' foreign exchange deposits rose by USD 3.8 billionin the third quarter, among which the combined increasein July and August amounted to USD 22.9 billion, while the growth was USD 38.7 billion in the first quarter and USD 65.2 billion in thesecondquarter. Foreign exchange loans dropped by USD 21.2 billion in the third quarter, compared with an increase of USD 62.6billion in the first quarter and a decrease of USD 2.3 billion in the second quarter. Thebalance of import trade financing fell by USD 36.5 billion in the third quarter, versus an increase of USD 24.1 billion and USD 18.7 billion respectively in the first and second quarters. These data show that companies were more willing to buy than to settle foreign exchange and in the third quarter they continued financialadjustments of increasing foreign exchange deposits and reducing foreign exchange loans and external liabilities.

October 23, 2014, 10:50:40am

·         Guan Tao:

As for how we look at this issue, we believe China is currently experiencing capital flight; however, this does not represent a risk or a problem. Customs statistics show China's trade surplus stood at USD 128.1 billion in the third quarter, up by 48 percent quarter on quarter and up 111 percent year on year. The short supply in the foreign exchange marketindicates net outflows under the capital account. However, this should not be regarded as a risk or a problem but rather it should be considered in the following three ways.

First, in terms of the results of the adjustments, such a change is in line with the goal of the macro controls set at the beginning of this year that is, basically balancing the BOP. The current and capital BOP accounts both registered a surplus and foreign exchange reserves jumped by more than USD 100 billionin the first quarter,suggesting that balancing the BOP would be very challenging. But as the RMB exchange rate fluctuated bi-directionally amidincreased economic uncertainties both at home and abroad,companieshave made reverse financial adjustments since April. In thesecond quarter, although the trade surplus and the current account surplus increased, the capital account changed from a net inflow of USD 94 billion in the first quarter to a net outflow of USD 16.2 billion, and thegrowth of foreignexchange reserves in the BOP slowed down, dropping by 82 percent quarter on quarter from more than USD 100 billion in the previous quarter to more than USD 20 billion. Initial estimates indicate that Chinamaintainedan equilibrium in the BOP during the third quarter, that is, the current account was in surplus and the capital account was in deficit. This will be favorable for a voluntary balance in the BOP in China and for the People's Bank of China to improve macro controls and to expand the space for operation of its monetary policies.

Second, from the perspective of the approach to the adjustment, the increase in companies’foreign exchange deposits, including their increase in external investments, has helped allocateforeign exchange to the marketinstead of to the government, which is in line with the reform goal of encouraging people to hold more foreignexchange. The reductionsin foreign exchange loans and external liabilities by companies are favorable for reducing the currency mismatch and exposure to external liabilities, thus cutting financial risks. During themarketization reform of the RMB exchange-rate formation mechanism, thecentral bank phased out its intervention in the foreign exchange market, which means that the trade surplus has a positive correlation with capital outflows, namely, the higher the trade surplus, the more capital outflows there are, which is also a goal of the reform. Our reform has delivered fruits and has achieved theexpected goals, which should not be regarded as a problem, but it still requires careful consideration.

Third, in terms of the adjustment process, China witnessed a round of massive net capital inflows between the end of 2012 and the beginning of this year, but due to the bidirectional fluctuations of the RMB exchange rate and the complex domestic and international environments, capital inflows have recently been replaced bycapital outflows, suggesting a relativelyobvious pendulum effect, which is considered normal. A shortage ofUSD 20–30 billionin foreign exchange is not very serious and it is something that China can withstand. Moreover, the percentage of foreign exchange settled by companies as foreign exchange income was 69 percent in the third quarter, up by 1 percentage point from the second quarter.In particular, the percentage was 74 percent in September, 6 percentage points higher than that in August. All these indicate that at present the willingness of market playersto hold foreign exchange is stable and there is no reason to panic about speculation in foreign exchange.

October 23, 2014, 10:59:23am

·         Guan Tao:

China's cross-border capital flows will be basically balanced amid oscillations in the future. Currently receipts and payments under the current account are basically balanced and the RMB exchange rate is rationally balanced. Butdue to increased uncertainties both at home and abroad, bidirectional fluctuations in cross-border capital flows may become a new normal, which is also the case of the BOP under the economic new normal. There are stillfactors that may lead to inflows or outflows of China's cross-border capital. For example, stable economic growth, will increase demand for the allocation of RMB assets in theinternational market, and thepositive spread both at home and abroad and during thepeak season for consumption at the year-endtraditionalWestern holidayseason are all favorable for cross-border capital inflows.

On the other hand, given the complex economic and financialenvironments both at home and abroad, the many uncertainties may increase the volatility of China's cross-border capital flows. But by deepening efforts on all fronts, promoting economic upgrading and transformation, and maintaining stable economic growth based on the plans of the Central Committee and the State Council, coupled with the high trade surplus and enormous foreign exchange reserves, China will be able to withstand such volatilities.

October 23, 2014, 11:23:08am

·         Reporter from the Economic Daily News:

Although the RMB exchange rate experienced obvious bidirectional fluctuations and the SAFE introduced relevant policies to develop foreign exchange derivatives since thebeginning of this year, we have learned that some companies have reduced their foreign exchange hedging businesses. What would you say about this?

October 23, 2014, 11:37:33am

·         Guan Tao:

The foreign exchange market has responded positively to the bidirectional fluctuations of the RMB exchange rate, but some issues still require our attention.

First, significant changes have taken place in foreign exchange derivative transactions. On the one hand, the bidirectional fluctuations of the RMB exchange rate have endedthe single expectations of the RMB, making companies change their unilateral transaction strategies that only focus onforward settlements of foreignexchange and excludeforward purchases of foreign exchange. The monthly average of forward settlements of foreign exchange from March to September dropped by 48 percent from those of January to February, while the monthly average forwardsales of foreign exchange were up by 18 percent. On the other hand, derivative transactions have been more active since the end of June when the SAFE introduced foreign exchange market development measures that focus on foreign exchangeoptions with simplified market access. The number of foreign exchange option transactions set a record in August and was 1.8 times that in the previous month;the percentage of forward transactions during the same periodwas up from 8 percent in July to 21 percent. All these changes reveal the voluntary adjustments of the market and the effects of policy support.

Second, providing risk education to companies is still a pressing issue. We have noted that some companies have not yet adapted to the bidirectional fluctuations of the RMB exchange rate. Due to the unilateral appreciation of the RMB, the RMB exchange rate seldom fluctuated sharply in the past, and the forward settlement price of foreign exchange was even higher than thespot settlement price of foreign exchange for a certain period of time. Given this, some companieshave used forward settlements offoreign exchange as a tool to make money, and some even believethat it is not necessary to hedge risks if forward transactions or other derivative transactions prove not to be profitable. On the other hand, some companies have formeda stereotypical routine in derivative transactions, that is, they only settle forward foreign exchange income and they do not hedge risks arising from foreign exchange spending or external liabilities. In other words, despite foreign exchange exposure arising from foreign exchange loans, they do not hedge foreign exchange- rate risks.

Next, the SAFE will continue to promote the development of the foreignexchange market and support market players to use derivatives to manage exchange-rate risks so as to better serve the real economy. Banks should provide companies with hedging services in line with the principle of merchantability, improve the provision of risk education, and guide market players to build a proper sense of hedging. Meanwhile, under the new normal of bidirectional fluctuations of the RMB exchange rate, companies should have a correct sense of risks, create strict financial discipline,manage exchange-rate risks properly by using derivatives, and replace subjective judgments with market operations.

October 23, 2014, 1:06:32pm

·         Reporter from NHK, Japan:

What do you think of the impacton China's economy of the US withdrawalfrom its third round of quantitative easing?It is said that theprevious “hot money”inflowswere one of the reasons behind the increase in property prices and the year-on-year increase in real estate investments in China. What would you say about this and what areyour ideasabout the recent changes? Since most of China's foreign exchange reserves are used to buy US bonds, will the US withdrawal fromthe QE lead to a  reduction in China’s holding of US bonds?

October 23, 2014, 1:10:04pm

·         Guan Tao:

We have already conducted interviews on investments in foreign exchange reserves, and you can review the relevant reports if you are interested. By the way, this issue is irrelevantto today's conference.

Now I'd like to talk about the impact of the US withdrawal from the QE. The direction of US monetary policy has always been an important factor that has an impact on China's cross-border capital flows, and it is a variant we have closely watched since the beginning of this year. So far, the USwithdrawalfrom the QE, coupled with many other factors in China and the international market, has hada certain impact on China's cross-border capital flows. Companies have adjusted theirfinancialstrategies, not merely due to the US withdrawal from theQE but also due to factors such as the bidirectional fluctuations in the RMB exchange rate, domestic economic conditions, and differentiated exchange-rate expectations. As I have mentioned, the results of such impactsare beneficial and in line with the direction of the reform and the goal of macro control. We will continue to pay attention to the direction of US monetary policy in the future and make plans to respond. The market should watch out for the effects in the domestic and international markets and use proper tools and approaches to manage the cross-border capital flows and the risks arising from bidirectional fluctuations in the RMB exchange rate.

Regarding the property market, the indicators we monitor show that there are no strong signs of outflows of foreign capital from China's property market. On the whole, we have witnessed more net inflows of foreign capital into China's property market. The inflows of capital from non-residents to buy housing in China stood at USD 520 million in the first three quarters, which was not huge but several ten times that during the same period from 2009 to 2013. Capital inflows of foreign-funded companies inthe property industry remain high, with the net amount totaling USD 20.1 billion in the first three quarters, the highest for the same period since 2009.

October 23, 2014, 1:10:44pm

·         Reporter from CRI:

The exchange rate of the RMB against the US dollar has been on the decline since the beginning of this year. Reportedly, companies such as those in the aviation, iron and steel, and property industries have reported significant exchange losses in the first half of the year. How would you look at this?

October 23, 2014, 1:12:33pm

·         Guan Tao:

First, we have noted this as well. It has been recently reported that the exchange losses that listed Chinese companiesdisclosed during  the first half of this year amounted to RMB 11.7 billion. That is true. As the RMB exchange rate is on the decline, companies that have foreign-denominatedliabilities will suffer exchange losses. But this is a book loss in an accounting sense, not a real loss, provided that real liabilities arising from purchases of foreign exchange using RMBdo not  occur. As the RMB exchange rate fluctuates bi-directionally, losses may be incurred as the RMB depreciates, but they will decrease as the RMB appreciates, just as what has been occurring recently, so such changes are dynamic rather than static.

Second, many companies have foreign-denominatedboth liabilities and assets. Exchange-rate fluctuationsare a double-edged sword. When the exchange rate is declining, companies' foreign-denominatedliabilities will rise, but the returns fromtheir foreign-denominated assets will rise.Therefore, losses or gains should be analyzed based on the real situation. Given that the beneficiaries of the exchange-rate fluctuations constitute the silent majority, while the losers will be reported or be hyped by the media, the negative impact of the exchange-rate fluctuations may be exaggerated.

Third, companies may have become used to the unilateral rises and low fluctuations of the RMB exchange rate. It is attractive in terms of accounting to have foreign-denominatedliabilities when the RMB interest rate is high. But this will not always be profitable after the RMB exchange rate begins to fluctuate bi-directionally. It is therefore suggested that companies adapt to the bidirectional fluctuations of the RMB exchange rate, reduce currency mismatches, and adopt the strategy of borrowing, collecting, and repaying foreign exchange. Moreover, companies should borrow foreign money based on their real needsand should not artificially magnify the lever and take this as a financing tool to make money. Therecently unveiled financing risks that are associated with commodity trading may entail a high leverage transaction ratio and companies using this financing tool to make moneywill face risks as the RMB exchange rate fluctuates bi-directionally. In addition, companies should properly hedge the risks associated with exposure to foreign-denominated liabilities and actively use tools such as foreign exchange derivatives to manage the exchange-rate risks.

October 23, 2014, 1:13:11pm

·         Reporter from Global Times (English edition):

Officials from the People's Bank of Chinasaid in September that the PBC will promote the building of a QualifiedDomestic Institutional Investormechanism, or the new QDII mechanism, to allow individuals to invest in overseas markets. What measures will the SAFE taketo support overseas investments by individuals?Will it further ease the limit of USD 50,000per person per yearfor foreign exchange purchases by individuals?

October 23, 2014,1:16:24pm

·         Guan Tao:

The relevant QDII policy has been developed by the People's Bank of China, so I recommend that you make enquiries of the relevant departments. The question regarding the limit of USD 50,000per person per year for individual foreign exchange purchases was raised at the SAFE press conference on September 25. To save your time, I will not repeat the answer.

October 23, 2014,1:17:03pm

·         Hu Kaihong:

This is the end of today's conference. Thank you for coming.

October 23, 2014, 1:17:57pm


The original text is available at www.china.com.cn



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