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    An Interview with an Official from the SAFE on Issues Concerning the QFII Investment Quota
An Interview with an Official from the SAFE on Issues Concerning the QFII Investment Quota

On May 16, 2012, the 37th annual meeting of the International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO) convened in Beijing . The China Securities Journal conducted an interview with M SunLujun, head of the Capital Account Administration Department of the SAFE, on issues related to the QFII system.


Q1: This year marks the 10th year since China launched the QFII system. How do you regard implementation of the system during the past ten years?


A: Ten years have past since the QFII system was launched in China at the end of 2002. It is an institutional arrangement under such circumstances that foreign investors are granted limited access to China ’s capital market, and the RMB capital account remains nonconvertible. This arrangement allows qualified foreign institutional investors living up to certain standards to make portfolio investments in China 's capital market within verified investment quotas.


Implementation during the past ten years shows that the QFII system is an important move by the government to promote the opening-up of the capital market and the convertibility of the RMB capital account. The involvement of QFIIs in the domestic stock market has played an important role in improving the framework of the system, investment philosophy, corporate government, risk control, and technical level of the capital market, as well as enhancing the services of domestic custodians and investment banks. It also stimulates cooperation between domestic and foreign financial institutions, facilitates the standardization and internationalization of the capital market, and provides practical experience for further reform and development of the capital market.


Q2: From the perspective of the assignment of responsibilities, the CSRC is currently responsible for examining and approving the qualification and market admittance of QFIIs, while the SAFE is responsible for examining and approving the QFII quota to invest in the domestic stock market. Could you briefly describe the procedures for QFII quota examination and approval?


A: According to the relevant laws and regulations of the QFII system, QFII institutions shall, upon receipt of portfolio investment business licenses from the CSRC, submit through trustees, within one year, investment quota applications to the SAFE. The SAFE implements a collective examination mechanism to examine the investment quotas. A quota examination committee is established consisting of the heads of the SAFE departments to examine QFIIs that have submitted complete and regulatory compliant applications. A meeting is held once a month to examine the applications. This mechanism has played an active role in enhancing the transparency, fairness, standardization, and timeliness of the QFII quota examination. The SAFE has maintained close communications and coordination with the relevant CSRC departments. An effective information-sharing mechanism has been established to facilitate communications.


Q3: Could you say something about examination and approval of the QFII quota in recent years?


A: Since implementation of the QFII system, the SAFE has worked closely with the CSRC in controlling the pace of the quota examination and in increasing the scale of investments by QFIIs. This has been achieved in accordance with the government target to support and promote the reform and development of the capital market, and based on the circumstances of the BOP conditions and the development of the stock market. As of May 16, 2012, the SAFE had approved an investment quota of USD26.013 billion for 138 QFIIs (excluding three institutions with nullified quotas due to changes in the investment entities and the approved relevant quotas).


In general, the pace of the quota examination is consistent with the demand of the QFIIs. For instance, during the initial period of QFII implementation and the expansion of the global financial crisis in 2008, the amount of the approved quota was relatively small due to fewer applications submitted by the QFIIs; during periods when the QFII system was steadily carried out, the SAFE approved average quotas of USD3-3.5 billion each year. It should be noted that in 2011 the country faced great pressures from cross-border fund inflows. In response, the SAFE properly slowed the pace of QFII quota examination, with a total amount of USD1.92 billion approved for the whole year. Since the beginning of 2012, China ’s balance of payments has moved toward equilibrium. In order to further promote the reform and development of the capital market, the SAFE timely adjusted and accelerated the pace of the QFII quota examinations. As of May 16, 2012, USD4.373 billion had been granted to 38 QFIIs, nearly equal to the total investment quota approved in 2010 and 2011.


Q4: We noticed that the CSRC recently released data showing that by the end of April 2012, 163 overseas institutions had been granted QFII qualifications. According to data newly released by the SAFE, as of May 8, 2012, only 141 QFIIs had been granted investment quotas. What is the source of this discrepancy?


A: The CSRC gathered and released data on QFII qualifications, and the SAFE gathered and released data on QFII investment quotas. The discrepancy is due to three factors: (1) some QFIIs did not submit the applications to the SAFE on time; (2) some QFIIs had to alter their submitted applications due to fundraising reasons or adjustments to the investment schedule; (3) some QFIIs asked to defer the approval of the quotas due to fundraising difficulties.

Excluding the above reasons, the SAFE has maintained a pace consistent with that of the CSRC in QFII examination and approval.


Q5: Recently, the CRSC said that it will take measures to further promote the development of the QFII system, such as the lowering of the threshold for QFII admittance, further introducing overseas long-term funds, and so forth. Does the SAFE have similar plans?


A: During formation and implementation of the QFII system, the SAFE has established close communications and coordination with the CSRC. The two authorities have also established a mechanism for smooth data-sharing. The SAFE has taken steps to promote the facilitation, standardization, and transparency of foreign exchange administration relating to the QFII system by revising the policies and regulations, establishing a quota examination committee, providing window guidance, and so forth, and by responding actively to the rational policy demands of the QFIIs. With respect to the quota examination and exchange policies, the SAFE has played a role similar to that of the CSRC in providing preferential policies on quota approval to a single QFII institution, a lock-up period for the principal, and so forth, in compliance with the policy orientation that mid- and long-term investors (overseas pension funds, insurance funds, donation funds, and so forth) should be further encouraged.


Q6: Recently, the total quota for QFIIs was increased to USD80 billion upon approval of the State Council. What plan does the SAFE have for examining the increased quota?


A: The State Council recently approved an increase in the QFII investment quota to USD80 billion. To facilitate the reform and development of the domestic stock market, the SAFE has made active adjustments to the investment quota and exchange administration, such as actively facilitating quota examination and approval, providing rapid access to the quota examination for mid- and long-term funds, including overseas pension funds and insurance funds, providing preferential policies for the amount of the initial investment quotas, increasing the initial approval amount for the aforesaid QFIIs, and properly streamlining the processes for managing the exchange accounts and RMB accounts of the QFIIs.

Looking toward the future, the SAFE will continue to bolster the reform and development of the domestic capital market, maintain close communications and coordination with the CSRC, carry out policies for encouraging mid- and long-term overseas investment funds, further improve the quota examination mechanism for QFIIs, and increase the efficiency of the quota examination, thus further satisfying the quota needs of the QFIIs to invest in the domestic stock market and promoting the reform and development of the QFII system and the capital market.

The English translation may only be used as a reference. In case a different interpretation of the translated information contained in this website arises, the original Chinese shall prevail.

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