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    State Administration of Foreign Exchange
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    Actively Adapting to the New Situation in Opening Up and Orderly Advancing Convertibility under Capital Account
Actively Adapting to the New Situation in Opening Up and Orderly Advancing Convertibility under Capital Account

In recent years, in order to adapt to the new situation and new requirements of China’s opening up, the foreign exchange authorities, in light of the changes in the balance of payments situation, has actively carried out policy adjustments and systemic innovations, with a focus on expanding capital outflow channels, and has introduced a series of policies and measures on foreign exchange administration reform, thus, significantly improving the capital account convertibility level.

The convertibility for direct investment is basically realized, and the level of investment facilitation is significantly improved

In recent years, the foreign exchange authorities, by deepening the reform, streamlining administration and instituting decentralization, and optimizing processes, have created a favorable policy environment for attracting foreign investors to make direct investments in China, and have effectively supported the “going global” efforts of various types of domestic institutions to participate in international competition and cooperation. In terms of overseas direct investments, since 2006 the foreign exchange authorities have gradually lifted limits on the amount of foreign exchange purchases for overseas investments, and, at present, have realized the “supply of foreign exchange on the basis of needs” for overseas direct investments throughout the country. In 2009, the foreign exchange authorities further deepened the foreign exchange administration reform of overseas investments, changed the two procedures for administrative examination and approval, i.e., that for the examination of the source of the foreign exchange funds for overseas direct investments and that for approval for outward remittances of capital, into the procedure of ex-post registration, expanded the source of foreign exchange funds for overseas direct investments by domestic institutions, and began to allow domestic institutions to remit early stage expenses during the preparatory stage before formal establishment of their overseas projects. After the above reforms, in terms of foreign exchange administration of overseas direct investments, there are no prior approval procedures and convertibility is basically realized, which significantly facilitates enterprise participation in international economic and technological cooperation and competition. In terms of direct investments in China , the main procedures are registration administration and authenticity examination. In recent years, the foreign exchange authorities have defined and regulated foreign exchange administration in such areas as settlement of the foreign exchange capital of foreign-invested enterprises, foreign capital utilization in the real estate industry, and return investments, and have promoted the reasonable and effective utilization of foreign capital. The international investment position statistical data from the foreign exchange authorities indicate that as of the end of September 2011, the asset balance for direct investments in China by foreign investors was USD 1625.6 billion, and the asset balance for overseas direct investments was USD 345.5 billion, an increase by 1.65 times and 2.81 times respectively compared with the end of 2006.

The level of convertibility for securities investments has improved significantly, and cross-border securities investments have become active

In 2002 and 2006, China introduced the Qualified Foreign Institutional Investor (QFII) system and the Qualified Domestic Institutional Investor (QDII) system respectively; the former allows qualified foreign institutional investors to make investments in the domestic securities market, and the latter allows qualified domestic institutions to make investments in overseas securities markets. In 2007, the total QFII investment quota was increased from USD 10 billion to USD 30 billion upon the approval of the State Council. Thereafter, the foreign exchange authorities issued a series of normative documents and further improved foreign exchange administration of cross-border securities investments. As of March 9, 2012, the foreign exchange authorities had approved a total of USD 24.55 billion in investment quotas to 129 QFIIs (excluding the 2 QFIIs whose quotas were cancelled), and a total of USD 75.247 billion in investment quotas to 96 QDIIs.

The foreign exchange authorities actively promoted work related to the pilot program of domestic securities investments by RMB Qualified Foreign Institutional Investors (RQFII). In December 2011, on the basis of the formulation of the pilot measures related to the RQFII together with the relevant departments, the foreign exchange authorities timely issued supporting provisions on foreign exchange administration and allocated the RQFII investment quota in accordance with such principles as appropriately considering the level of operations and the type of product risks. As of January 2, 2012, the foreign exchange authorities had allocated the first batch of the RQFII investment quota, a total of RMB 20 billion.

The steady implementation of the above system has preliminarily established a bidirectional flow mechanism for capital under securities investments, promoted the opening up and development of the domestic capital market, expanded the overseas investment channels for domestic institutions and individuals, and better met the objective requirements of domestic and overseas market players to make cross-border securities investments.

Bidirectionally developing the cross-border claim and debt business, steadily promoting the convertibility of other investments

In order to increase policy support for subsequent financing of enterprises established overseas, and to support those enterprises that have “gone global” to develop better and faster, in 2009 the foreign exchange authorities began to allow qualified enterprises of various types, upon approval, to use, within a certain limit, their self-owned foreign exchange, foreign exchange purchased with RMB and other permitted foreign exchange to grant overseas loans, and such matters as the opening of special foreign exchange accounts for overseas loans, the domestic transfer of funds, and foreign exchange purchases began to be directly handled by designated foreign exchange banks. In 2009, in order to support post-disaster reconstruction in Sichuan and to support Guangdong to continue to give play a forefront role in the reform, the foreign exchange authorities allowed Chinese-funded enterprises in Sichuan and Guangdong to borrow short-term external debt within a certain limit, and in 2010 promoted this policy nationwide on the basis of a summary of the pilot experience. In 2010, the foreign exchange authorities further simplified the management procedures for external guarantees, cancelled the approval procedures for the banks’ external guarantee performance, relaxed the qualification requirements for the debtor and the restrictions on financial indicators, and expanded the business scope of external guarantees. Implementation of the above policies relieved the problems of overseas investment enterprises, such as financing difficulties and insufficient working capital, and also steadily promoted improvement in the convertibility level of other investments.

Streamlining administration and instituting decentralization, and further improving the level of convertibility under the capital account

The foreign exchange authorities actively simplified the procedures for administrative examination and approval, and each year introduced multiple measures to simplify the business examination procedures. First, they adjusted the management methods of some businesses from examination on a case-by-case basis to aggregate control. For instance, in 2010 the policy for management of external guarantees was reformed, the previous management method of case-by-case approval was adjusted to annual balance control, and the enterprises may handle the business themselves without the approval of the foreign exchange authorities. Second, they granted more authority to the branches and sub-branches of the SAFE, and integrating the overlapping administrative functions. In recent years, the foreign exchange authorities simplified dozens of business examination procedures, such as those for opening capital accounts in other localities, transferring the property of individuals overseas, and partial market withdrawal under the securities investments, and simplified the materials required for business examinations. Third, some businesses which were originally examined by the foreign exchange authorities were authorized to be handled by the banks. For example, with respect to such businesses as those related to foreign exchange purchases or payments for the profits of foreign investors in some financial institutions with foreign capital participation, the foreign exchange to be used for payment of overseas listing expenses from China by the overseas listed domestic companies, and the record of the transfer of the foreign exchange capital gained through the reduction in state-owned shares in overseas listed companies to the National Social Security Fund are currently directly handled by the banks. These measures help reduce the costs to the enterprises and the burden on society, improve operating efficiency, and also further improve the level of convertibility under the capital account.

The foreign exchange authorities will steadily and orderly promote capital account convertibility for the Renminbi in accordance with the relevant requirements of the Twelfth Five-Year Plan and the National Financial Working Conference. On the basis of the specifications, the foreign exchange authorities will expand the use of RMB in cross-border trade and investment. The foreign exchange authorities will gradually expand capital outflow channels, encourage qualified institutions in China to “go global,” and relax the restrictions on overseas investments by domestic residents. The foreign exchange authorities will gradually expand the opening up of the domestic financial market and establish a system and mechanism for guarding against the impact of bidirectional flows of cross-border capital.

As an important content of the reform of China ’s foreign exchange administration system, capital account convertibility for the Renminbi is not the ultimate goal. The realization of capital account convertibility for the Renminbi is a gradual process and a systematic project involving many departments, and relevant reforms are required to promote coordination and an improved capability to cope with external impacts.

During the process of promoting convertibility under the capital account, the foreign exchange authorities will keep a close eye on economic development at home and abroad and will take measures for promoting convertibility that are consistent with China’s stage of economic development, the level of market development, the tolerance of enterprises, the level of financial supervision, and the international financial environment. While relaxing some controls, the foreign exchange authorities will continuously improve and strengthen macro and prudential supervision, further improve statistics, monitoring, and early warnings of cross-border capital flows, effectively guard against the impact of capital flows, and safeguard the economic and financial security of China .

The English translation may only be used as a reference. In case a different interpretation of the translated information contained in this website arises, the original Chinese shall prevail.

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State Administration of Foreign Exchange