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    State Administration of Foreign Exchange
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    Promote Overseas Deposits of Export Proceeds, and Further Increase the Efficiency of Fund Use by Enterprises
Promote Overseas Deposits of Export Proceeds, and Further Increase the Efficiency of Fund Use by Enterprises

In order to increase the efficiency of the use of funds by domestic enterprises, to further promote the facilitation of trade, and to support the going globalmove of domestic enterprises, the State Administration of Foreign Exchange recently promulgated the Circular on the Implementation of Administration of Overseas Deposits of Export Proceeds (Hui Fa [2010] No.67, hereinafter referred to as the Circular) in accordance with the relevant provisions in the Regulations of the Peoples Republic of China on Foreign Exchange Administration, in which it is decided that as of January 1, 2011 the SAFE will implement on a nationwide scale the Interim Measures for the Administration of Overseas Deposits of Export Proceeds from Trade in Goods and the instructions for operations based on the results of a pilot operation.

The Circular covers four principal areas: (1) implementing an account-opening registration system for overseas deposits of export proceeds by domestic enterprises. Domestic enterprises that meet the requirements regarding the sources of export proceeds, have a need for overseas payments, and have operated in compliance with the foreign exchange administration regulations over the past two years may apply to the local foreign exchange authorities to make overseas deposits of their export proceeds; (2) implementing scaled management of overseas deposits of export proceeds by domestic enterprises. The scale of export proceeds deposited overseas shall be submitted by the domestic enterprises to the local foreign exchange authorities based on their actual needs, and the latter shall register and put on file the relevant scales; (3) streamlining the procedures for export verification and writing-off, online inspections, and so forth, and implementing an ex post reporting system; (4) carrying out off-site monitoring of the receipts and payments in overseas accounts of domestic enterprises, and implementing on-site inspections of abnormal circumstances.

The launch of the policy represents a significant move on the part of the SAFE to further satisfy needs for the development of a market-oriented economy, deepen the reform of the foreign exchange administration system, and promote the facilitation of trade. The policy will play an active role in balancing cross-border fund flows under trade, facilitating cross-border fund operations by domestic enterprises, and bolstering the going globalmove by domestic enterprises. The policy will play a positive role for enterprises with frequent receipts and payments from cross-border trade to reduce the costs of cross-border transfers of foreign exchange funds and the costs of currency conversion. The policy will also play a positive role for enterprises to have greater involvement in international competition and stronger ability for group management, to raise the efficiency of the use of funds, lower the costs of overseas fundraising, and further sharpen the competitive edge of enterprises on the international markets.

The English translation may only be used as a reference. In case a different interpretation of the translated information contained in this website arises, the original Chinese shall prevail.

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State Administration of Foreign Exchange