
Rules and Regulations
  • Index number:
  • Dispatch date:
  • Publish organization:
    State Administration of Foreign Exchange
  • Exchange Reference number:
  • Name:
    Circular of the General Affairs Department of the SAFE on the Operation of Foreign Exchange Business Concerning Cross-border Trade in Environmental Interests Including CO2 Emissions Reductions
Circular of the General Affairs Department of the SAFE on the Operation of Foreign Exchange Business Concerning Cross-border Trade in Environmental Interests Including CO2 Emissions Reductions

The branches and foreign exchange administrative departments of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange (SAFE) in all provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government; the branches in Shenzhen, Dalian , Qingdao , Xiamen , and Ningbo ; and all designated Chinese-funded foreign exchange banks:

In order to promote the facilitation of trade and investment and to regulate foreign exchange receipts and payments concerning cross-border trade of environmental interests such as carbon dioxide emissions reductions, related issues are hereby notified as follows:

1. The cross-border trade of environmental interests including carbon dioxide emissions reductions stated in this Circular refers to cross-border trading in which a domestic institution sells or purchases environmental interests including carbon dioxide emissions reductions to or from an overseas institution. Domestic institutions and overseas institutions shall handle the business with regard to the foreign exchange receipts and payments involved in the aforesaid category of transactions in compliance with the relevant provisions in this Circular, the regulations on foreign exchange administration, and the relevant laws and regulations of the State.

2. The receipts and payments involved in the cross-border trade of environmental interests including carbon dioxide emissions reductions shall have real and legitimate transaction backgrounds. Domestic institutions shall, by virtue of the valid documents specified in Article 3 of this Circular, deal with the relevant businesses directly at the designated foreign exchange banks (hereinafter referred to as the banks).

3. When handling foreign exchange collections for domestic institutions under the cross-border trade of carbon dioxide emissions reductions, the banks shall examine the following documents:

1) The letter of application by the domestic institution;

2) The commercial invoice;

3) The contract for the trade of environmental interests such as carbon dioxide eissions reductions;

4) An official written reply from  the National Development and Reform Commission regarding the trading of environmental interests such as carbon dioxide emissions reductions; and

5) A letter of verification on the actual emissions reductions issued by institutions designated by the United Nations.

The banks only need to examine the documents specified in the foregoing three paragraphs with regard to the start-up fees paid by an overseas purchaser to a domestic institution for the purpose of consultation, assessment, filing an application with the United Nations, and so forth under the Clean Development Mechanism project. The banks only need to examine the documents specified in the foregoing four paragraphs for advances received from the sale of emissions reductions by domestic banks.

For fees paid by overseas purchasers to domestic institutions for the purchase of carbon dioxide emissions reductions under voluntary emissions reductions, the banks shall examine the documents specified in the foregoing three paragraphs and the letter of verification on the actual emissions reductions issued by legitimate and authorized certification agencies; for start-up fees and advance payments paid by overseas purchasers to domestic institutions for the consultation, assessment, filing of applications to the relevant authorities, and so forth under voluntary emissions reductions, the banks only need to examine the documents specified in the foregoing three paragraphs. In the event that voluntary emissions reductions are subject to approval by the National Development and Reform Commission and other relevant authorities, the banks shall examine the official reply issued by the authorities thereof.

The banks shall examine the authenticity of the relevant businesses in compliance with the provisions of the first three sections herein when dealing with foreign exchange payments under the cross-border trade of carbon dioxide emissions reductions by domestic institutions and the foreign exchange receipts and payments under other items of cross-border trade of environmental interests.

4. The banks may, when dealing with the procedures for the receipts from cross-border trade of environmental interests such as carbon dioxide emissions reductions, handle the settlement of foreign exchange for domestic institutions or open a Capital Account Foreign Exchange Account for Environmental Equity Trading (the code of an account of this nature is 2219) to preserve the relevant category of foreign exchange earnings after examining the materials proving the authenticity of the relevant transactions pursuant to Article 3 hereof and based on the needs of the domestic institutions. The receipts shall fall into the category of foreign exchange earnings under trade of environmental interests, and the payments shall fall into the category of payments under the current account and payments under the capital account approved by the State Administration of Foreign Exchange.

Upon approval by the State Administration of Foreign Exchange, domestic institutions, such as the environmental exchanges, emission rights exchanges, and forest ownership exchanges, may open a Foreign Exchange Account for Cash Deposits from Special Trade (the code for an account of this nature: 3500). The receipts shall fall into the category of trading deposits by intended transferees and trading commissions and taxes to be paid by intended transferees; the payments shall fall into the category of foreign exchange margins that should be refunded to the transferees in cases of the failure of the transaction, the costs of deposits transferred to sellers after conclusion of the transaction, and commissions, taxes, and fees deducted by the exchanges.

The banks shall submit to the State Administration of Foreign Exchange detailed information on the account opening, balance, receipts, and payments for the aforementioned two categories of foreign exchange accounts through the information system for the management of foreign exchange accounts in compliance with the regulations.

5. Prior to the opening of the Capital Account Foreign Exchange Account for Environmental Interests Tradingat the banks, domestic institutions shall register the basic information with the foreign exchange authorities in their localities according to their business licenses and organizational code certificates.

Before opening the Foreign Exchange Account for Cash Deposits from Special Tradeat the banks, domestic institutions shall register the basic information with the foreign exchange authorities in their localities based on their business licenses and organizational code certificates. Domestic institutions that have already opened the aforesaid account prior to promulgation of this Circular shall, within 30 working days as of the date of promulgation, re-register the basic information with the foreign exchange authorities in their localities.

6. The foreign-related receipts and payments resulting from the sale or purchase of environmental interests such as carbon dioxide emissions reductions by domestic institutions shall be declared under the item of Capital Account  Purchase/Waiver of Non-productive and Non-financial Assets Receipts from Expenditures/Payments for the Transfer of Ownership of Other Intangible Assets; the code for foreign-related receipts and payments is 502030.Under the remarks column for the relevant transactions shall be included: the sale (or purchase) of quotas of carbon emissions reductions (or the specific types of environmental interests trading based on the actual situation).

The indirect declaration of BOP statistics for foreign-related receipts and payments generated from the Foreign Exchange Account for Cash Deposits from Special Tradeshall be handled in accordance with the Circular of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange on the Distribution of the Instructions for the Declaration of the Statistics on the Balance of Payments Through Financial Institutions (Hui Fa [2010] No. 22).

7. This Circular shall be interpreted by the State Administration of Foreign Exchange, and shall come into force as of the date of promulgation. Simultaneously, the reply of the General Affairs Department of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange on Conducting Foreign Exchange Business in terms of Emission Reductions Trade of Carbon Dioxide (Hui Zong Fu [2008] No. 27) shall be repealed.

The branches and foreign exchange administrative departments of the SAFE shall, upon receiving this Circular, transmit it as soon as possible to the central sub-branches, sub-branches, foreign-funded banks, local commercial banks, and relevant units under their respective jurisdictions. All designated Chinese-funded foreign exchange banks shall, upon receipt of this Circular, immediately forward it to their subordinate branches. Please provide feedback to the SAFE in a timely manner regarding any problems arising from implementation of this Circular.

Tel.: 010-68402350, 010-68402429

Fax: 010-68402430

                                                                                       December 3, 2010


The English translation may only be used as a reference. In case a different interpretation of the translated information contained in this website arises, the original Chinese shall prevail.

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State Administration of Foreign Exchange