
Rules and Regulations
  • Index number:
  • Dispatch date:
  • Publish organization:
    State Administration of Foreign Exchange
  • Exchange Reference number:
  • Name:
    Circular of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange on Relevant Issues Concerning Strengthening the Administration of Foreign Exchange Operations
Circular of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange on Relevant Issues Concerning Strengthening the Administration of Foreign Exchange Operations

The branches and foreign exchange administrative departments of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange (SAFE) in all provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government; the branches in Shenzhen, Dalian , Qingdao , Xiamen , and Ningbo ; and all designated Chinese-funded foreign exchange banks:

In order to prevent financial risks caused by cross-border flows of capital, issues related to the strengthening of the administration of foreign exchange operations are hereby notified as follows:

1. Strengthen administration of the banks comprehensive positions in the settlement and sales of foreign exchange. Implement a minimum level of management of the banks balance of positions calculated on a cash basis based on the current management of the comprehensive position limits for foreign exchange settlement and sales. The lower limit of the position shall be the position of the day on a cash basisas presented in the Daily Statement of the Comprehensive Position of Foreign Exchange Settlement and Sales issued by each bank on November 8, 2010.

2. Tighten administration of online inspections of foreign exchange collections and settlement for exports. Abrogate the provision that In the event that the enterprise has an insufficient balance of foreign exchange receivables due to a delay in the transmission of data on exports, the banks may, on the strength of the letter of commitment submitted by the enterprise, settle or transfer the funds in the accounts to be verified.The banks shall, in light of the limits on the balance of foreign exchange receivables, settle or transfer the funds in the accounts to be verified. The proportion of foreign exchange collection from the processing of imported materials shall be uniformly reduced from 30 percent to 20 percent. In the event that the proportion of the actual collection of foreign exchange for customs declaration for a single batch of exported goods under trade for the processing of imported materials exceeds 20 percent, the banks shall handle the relevant business in accordance with the existing regulations on foreign exchange collection for the processing of imported materials with the proportion of exchange collected in excess of the prescribed limit.

3. Strengthen administration of the quotas on short-term external debts and the balance of external guarantees of financial institutions. In the event that banks conduct agency payments abroad for the business subsequent to the issuance of L/Cs to their customers and the total time limit of both payments exceeds 90 days, the amount under the agency payment abroad shall be incorporated into the quota control of the short-term external debt. The foreign exchange authorities shall monitor and provide early warnings about the circumstances, such as the banksborrowing of short-term external debt and the provision of external guarantees for financing in violation of the regulations, and shall impose tight restrictions on bank operations in excess of the quotas.

4. Strengthen administration of capital contributions by overseas investors of foreign-funded enterprises. In the event that the actual payer is inconsistent with the overseas investor of a foreign-funded enterprise, the foreign-funded enterprise shall submit a notarized certification of the proxy contribution when entrusting an accounting firm to consult the foreign exchange authorities for capital verification.

5. Strengthen examination of the authenticity of the settlement of funds repatriated as capital raised from overseas listings in accordance with the requirements for foreign exchange settlements for payments. The materials certifying authenticity shall be examined in accordance with the relevant regulations on foreign exchange administration for the settlement of capital funds in foreign exchange for foreign-funded enterprises. The foreign exchange settlement shall be conducted in compliance with the purposes specified in the prospectus; for any amount that exceeds the planned limit on fund raising or goes beyond the purposes stated in the prospectus, a board resolution concerning the purposes of the foreign exchange settlement shall be submitted. The foreign exchange that is to be settled and paid to the other party in the transaction shall not be settled and deposited in the Renminbi account of the enterprise.

6. Strengthen administration of overseas incorporations of companies with special purposes by domestic institutions and individuals, and impose penalties on enterprises and individuals operating in violation of the regulations.

7. Impose penalties on banks operating in violation of the regulations by complying strictly with the law. Banks shall strengthen verification and examination of the authenticity of transactions by their customers and the consistency of foreign exchange receipts and payments. For those bank operations in violation of the foreign exchange regulations that result in illegal inflows of funds, the foreign exchange authorities shall impose penalties in the form of fines, termination of relevant operations, circulation of notices of criticism, and so forth, and shall investigate the responsibilities of the senior management staff who are directly liable for the violations.

This Circular shall come into effect as of the date of promulgation. All the branches and administrative departments of the SAFE shall, after receipt of this Circular, forward it as soon as possible to the central sub-branches, sub-branches, and banks within their jurisdictions. All Chinese-funded designated foreign exchange banks shall, after receipt of this Circular, forward it to their branches and sub-branches as soon as possible.  If any problems arise in the implementation of this Circular, please report them to the SAFE in a timely manner.

Tel.: 010-68402295, 68402450, 68402366

The English translation may only be used as a reference. In case a different interpretation of the translated information contained in this website arises, the original Chinese shall prevail.

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State Administration of Foreign Exchange