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    State Administration of Foreign Exchange
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    Transforming Ideology and Working Pragmatically for an All-Around Enhancement of Foreign Exchange Administration and Services
Transforming Ideology and Working Pragmatically for an All-Around Enhancement of Foreign Exchange Administration and Services


A working conference of the People's Bank of China (PBOC), in conjunction with the national foreign exchange administration conference, was recently held in Kunming, Yunnan province. The conference studied and conveyed the gist of the results of Third Plenary Session of the Seventeenth Central Committee of the CPC, the Fourth Plenary Session of the Seventeenth Central Committee of the CPC, as well as the Central Economic Work Conference. The proceedings provided an overall summary of work related to foreign exchange administration in 2009 and set forth the tasks for foreign exchange administration in 2010 based on an in-depth analysis of current circumstances regarding the balance of payments and receipts and payments of foreign exchange. Yi Gang, deputy governor of the People's Bank of China and administrator of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange (SAFE), delivered a speech at the conference on foreign exchange administration work. Deng Xianhong, Fang Shangpu, Wang Xiaoyi, Li Chao, and other leaders of the SAFE, along with the relevant leaders of the divisions, overseas offices, and branches (foreign exchange administration departments) of the SAFE attended the conference.
It was pointed out at the conference that in 2009, under the wise leadership of the Party Central Committee and the State Council and the precise guidance of the Party Committee of the PBOC, all foreign exchange administration departments carried out the scientific outlook on development in an all-around manner and earnestly implemented the overall planning of the Central Government on "Sustaining growth, accelerating restructuring, propelling reform, and improving the people's livelihood.In order to sustain the stable development of the foreign-related economy, efforts were made to adjust the direction and emphasis of foreign exchange administration in a timely manner by launching a series of measures to cope with the international financial crisis. The SAFE made efforts to further deepen the reform of the foreign exchange administration system, enhance the role of foreign exchange administration services to satisfy the needs of economic development, improve statistics and supervision of cross-border capital flows, guard against risks caused by abnormal cross-border capital flows, promote disclosure of information and government affairs, and increase the transparency of foreign exchange administration. Efforts were also made to improve the operation and management of foreign exchange reserves, to guarantee the security of foreign exchange reserve assets, and to obtain reasonable returns. All of these measures have played an active role in weathering the global financial crisis as well as in promoting the stable and rapid development of the national economy.
It was emphasized at the conference that since the initiation of the reform and opening-up policy China has been active in becoming integrated in the economic globalization. Development of the foreign-related economy was achieved by leaps and bounds, along with a dramatic increase in cross-border foreign exchange receipts and payments. The constantly changing scale, frequency, and form of cross-border capital flows, rapid economic development, and increased opening to the outside world have presented increasing challenges to our countrys foreign exchange administration. Such circumstances require that the foreign exchange administration departments look at issues concerning Chinas economic and financial development from a global perspective, analyze Chinas foreign exchange administration within the framework of an open economy, and enhance the fundamental role of market forces in allocating foreign exchange resources. To this end, all personnel in the foreign exchange administration system should further carry out the scientific outlook on development, put into practice the gist of the contents of the Third Plenary Session of the Seventeenth Central Committee of the CPC, the Fourth Plenary Session of the Seventeenth Central Committee of the CPC, and the Central Economic Work Conference in an all-around manner, consolidate our conviction and work pragmatically to further strengthen and improve foreign exchange administration work, make great efforts to improve the status of the balance of payments, and promote a basic equilibrium in the balance of payments. These efforts should be conducted in compliance with the strategic planning of the Party Central Committee and the State Council to sustain the stable and rapid development of the national economy, so as to serve the comprehensive strategic aim of transforming the pattern of economic development and accelerating economic restructuring.
The conference also studied and set the priorities for foreign exchange administration in 2010.  These include: (1) Further emancipating our minds, upgrading concepts for foreign exchange administration, transforming administration methods, and enhancing a service consciousness; keeping risks controllable and as much as possible facilitating the operations of economic entities, gradually weakening ex-ante examination and approval, and strengthening ex-post monitoring and analysis; (2) complying with the overall requirements for economic development, further promoting the reforms on the verification of imports and exports, the development of the foreign exchange market, the administration of foreign exchange accounts, the diversification of channels for capital outflows and other key areas, and critical aspects of foreign exchange administration; (3) further improving supervision of abnormal cross-border fund flows, constructing a sound monitoring and warning system, an off-site inspection system, and an emergency management system, strengthening the monitoring and analysis of abnormal cross-border fund inflows and outflows, launching a special campaign to crack down on illegal activities by underground money shops, and preventing and diffusing the risks of cross-border capital flows; (4) boosting the integration of foreign exchange administration data with the administration system, promoting the comprehensive utilization of administration information, streamlining procedures for foreign exchange businesses, and improving the efficiency of monitoring and supervision and the service level; (5) constantly increasing the transparency of policies on foreign exchange administration, broadening the scope of release of statistical data on the balance of payments, reinforcing the integration of laws and regulations with respect to foreign exchange administration, and enhancing interactions and communications between the SAFE and the media and the general public; (6) further improving the foreign exchange reserves operation and management mechanism, enhancing the introduction and training of personnel, and striving to achieve security, and insure and increase the value of the foreign exchange reserve assets; (7) strengthening improvement of Party conduct, clean administration, and construction of the ranks of cadres, and enhancing the capability and level of administration according to the law.

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State Administration of Foreign Exchange